Tuesday, May 28, 2013

It is almost here, my "Moms' Retreat," with all of my St. Brendan moms whose friendship I have enjoyed and missed since moving to SD.  What brought us together was the St. Brendan's parish school, where our kids attended K-8th.  I left Seattle now 14 years ago, yet the bond remains. Those same kids are now college graduates or working toward that, and our friendship stands.  Oh it's not like we talk every other week; we don't, but it is always like picking right back up where we left off, and this time in a totally new "phase" of our lives.  We started a tradition way back when the kids were very young of traveling to a small resort on the Wenatchee River for a three or four-day weekend, whatever our schedules would allow.  When we all come together, the friendship and the love we share is palpable.  Our backgrounds are a myriad of careers, lifestyles, education, passions, but our faith is the constant, the common ground, raising our kids in Catholic school:  The Millennial Generation. I find myself anxious to catch up and hear how some of my favorite kids' moms are coping with empty nest, menopause, relationship challenges, night sweats, and staying active, physically and mentally.  I can't wait for hugs and joy and the all-out laughter that permeates the condo as we all, for whatever small moments, become intertwined once again.  Though it has been some years since we have gathered around the swimming pool with our favorite beverage in hand, smelling like cocoa butter and exchanging lunch ideas, we will pick right back up, though now, I foretell, it will be about wine and vacations abroad, favorite gourmet meals, goals reached, retirements ahead, our now young adults finding work, leaving the nest for good or moving back, and husbands who, yet again, are making due without us because they know this is "our" time and "our" moment.  I wonder if we will become those ladies who when they are old wear purple?  I hope so ......

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Summer: My favorite time

As summer lays waiting to spread itself over us like a cool, salty wave I find myself relishing this time more than ever.  Perhaps it's because my boys are growing older and I know that our summers as a "family unit" are numbered, so it feels very special to have both boys home.  I find myself looking forward to some noise, lots of music, video games played with friends, backyard fires in the fire pit and making "favorite" dishes for the family.  With one year "down" for CD2 and looking ahead to a "new beginning" for CD, optimism is on the horizon and it feels good.  I have a camping trip planned near the beach in June and an August beach house rented for a week on Mission Bay.  This summer has the potential for some wonderful memories.  The house will buzz and the goal will be to treasure the "moments" we have.  Ah, summertime, please stay awhile.....